
Offering the best of Tuscany with passion and enthusiasm since 1982.

  • Anna EckertAnna

    I was born in Florence where I obtained my Master’s Degree in Education Sciences. The topic of my thesis was “Education of Adults”. With an Italian mother and a German father, I began to study languages at an early age. This allowed me to travel and get to know foreign countries near and far, and at the same time, it made me deeply appreciate the beauty and importance of the territory where I live. Therefore, when visitors come from all over the world, my desire is to make them happy and pleased with all that my beautiful Tuscany has to offer.

  • Roberta FerrariniRoberta

    My mother is German and my father was Italian. I am a hybrid of both cultures: while I have Italian creativity, my organizational know-how is German. My heart beats in magnificent Tuscany; I have always adored art in all its shapes and forms. My years of experience as a tour leader and guide have brought me to the four corners of the earth, but my Tuscan soul is filled with absolute joy when I can acquaint people with our beautiful corner of the world and our ancient traditions.

  • Anna NiedduAnna

    I grew up in Germany and am a Lucchese by adoption. I adore my splendid family and spending time with them. Thanks to my knowledge of languages, I have travelled a great deal for both work and enjoyment. I have become acquainted with different cultures and mentalities and have been fortunate to see breathtaking panoramas and many amazing places. I was able to turn my passions into a job, one that allows me to experience, on a daily basis, marvelous trips through the art, history, culinary culture, and landscape that fascinate travelers visiting from far and wide. My greatest joy and satisfaction is to make you fall in love with one of the most beautiful places in the world.

  • Gabriele CalabreseGabriele

    I’m around 50 years old. Art, food, travel, and people are my passion. My experience as a meeting planner, my presence as an expert on national and international television documentaries, and my Master in Art History take second place to my feelings for the profession of tour guide. There is no greater satisfaction than being able to acquaint visitors, who share my interests, with stories and anecdotes about the fabulous land where I live, and this is what motivates me to continue to do a job that I have loved for as long as I can remember. My motto? "Without history there is no future."

  • LuciaGioia

    I’m a 100% born and bred Lucchese. I’ve been the “voice” of Turislucca forever. If you call or write to us, I’m the one who answers. Kindness, cordiality, and patience are my virtues. To understand and fulfill the wishes of those who contact us is my mission. So my one true satisfaction is replying…therefore mission accomplished! Talk to you later then!

  • LiaLia

    I have been with Turislucca since it was established, so I guess you could say I am a veteran of this great group of licensed tour guides. In these nearly 35 years of activity, I have met the most incredible people. Showing my guests around Lucca and its region has always been a privilege for me, and it’s a success when guests regret not having stayed longer and promise to return to visit. Thanks to my Lucchese birth and heritage, it is easy for me to tailor your visit to meet your personal interests and wishes, even on-the-spot. I welcome families since I am also a state school teacher of 7 – 9th graders and I truly never tire of relating to kids or teens. I hope you will appreciate my informal approach which I always combine with professionalism and a lifelong passion for my hometown. I look forward to having you or your customers as my guests. We will have a lot of fun!

  • CarmineCarmine

    I'm 44 years old. I was born and raised in Germany (in the historic region of Swabia, land of Barbarossa) to Italian parents and have been a guide since 1994. I’m passionate about food and wine, and have always tried to combine the food and wine of Tuscany with its art and monuments. My motto is “Don’t be just a tourist, travel your dream”.

  • LuciaLucia

    I'm an authentic Lucchese born and bred. After various years of travel and study in Italy and abroad, my heart led me back home. Sinologist, cultural mediator, Italian teacher for foreigners, I have been a tour guide for a number of years. My aim is to convey the passion I feel for the area where I live and show the city from the viewpoint of someone who lives in it and knows it through and through. I love being a tour guide because I can exchange experiences, emotions, opinions, and most of all, because it constantly allows me to see what surrounds me through different eyes. I enjoy travelling and reading, and adore art, fashion, the mountains, and open-air activities.

  • Silvia Di GraziaSilvia

    I was born and raised in Lucca and love my hometown. With me, you will fall in love with Lucca and the people living here, too. I will talk about local traditions, things to do and taste so you will really enjoy your time here and feel enthusiasm and affection for this enchanting region. Enjoy the town itself surrounded by Renaissance walls, full of medieval churches, ancient palaces, museums, and towers, or journey with me to Lucca's surrounding areas dotted with Renaissance and Baroque villas, small enchanting hamlets and villages, and parks.

  • MarcoMarco

    I was born and raised in the area of Bagni di Lucca, in the province of Lucca. I obtained my Master’s Degree in Education Sciences in Florence. I have lived in the center of Lucca, or as we say, within the Walls, for 20 years and adore it. I’m very passionate about music and still listen to vinyl LPs; I even play a bit of guitar. I love acting and with a group of friends do amateur theater.

  • Roberta PellegrineschiRoberta

    “You’ve brought your city to life!” This lovely compliment was paid to me by a British visitor, and, in my opinion, this should be a tour guide’s objective: have guests experience the local atmosphere by combining history, art, culture, and the customs of a city. I really don’t know how to classify “my style”, but through the years I’ve met many different people of different ages and cultures that have described me as a person “who can smile even in the midst of a deluge”, so my motto could be “keep on smiling”. And that’s a fact!

  • Sabine EbnötherSabine

    I was born in Zurich, Switzerland, and have been living in Lucca for over thirty years. In Switzerland I was a teacher; in Lucca, I’m both a tour guide and a naturalist guide. I adore being with people, be it to show them the magical beauty of Lucca and its monuments or to enjoy nature’s gifts together exploring the territory and its flora and fauna.

  • Vittoria CalafatiVittoria

    I adore my job as a tour guide because, through it, people can discover and appreciate monuments, works of art, day-to-day life, and the most suggestive spots of a town. I have two children and they have taught me to see the things around me from their perspective and this has led, in turn, to giving tours of towns with a new slant. I specialize in tours of the historic centers of Lucca, Viareggio, Camaiore, and Pietrasanta.

  • TizianoTiziano

    Born and bred in Versilia, between the Apuan Alps and the Mediterranean Sea, I studied and lived in many places in Europe during my youth. I try to put a little bit of everything in my tours: love for places and words, rhythm, action, books, nature, past and present traditions and contemporary life, in a continuous manner in the hope of encouraging a lively exchange with visitors. I am happy to welcome those of you who decide to discover my marvelous country with a big smile!

  • GabriellaGabriella

    I’ve been a tour guide of Tuscany since 1997. I chose this profession because I love to meet people and get to know other cultures. My passion for art and history along with my communication skills assure that guests will have a positive emotional experience while touring. Tours are not just facts and dates, but folklore, life, and little known secrets of the territory as well.

  • LauraLaura

    I was born and raised where the world-famous wooden puppet, Pinocchio, “was born”, close to the place where the great Leonardo da Vinci was born, in a territory where fantasy and science, tradition, and modern times come together. I’m passionate about plants, gardens, villas, and plant nurseries, and I’m fascinated by small medieval villages perched high on hilltops that contain many hidden gems. I love to see the surprised look on guests’ faces when they visit our towns and cities and discover that these places are veritable treasure chests of art where life is still on a human-scale.

Our local tourist and naturalist guides are among the best in Tuscany and thanks to our many years of experience, we have carefully selected them for you.

These licensed guides are not only specialized and highly capable, but they adore sharing the passion they nurture for their land and job with guests.

We would be pleased to help you plan your tours in a new way that is both dynamic and highly enjoyable.
By contacting us or logging onto our website, you can discover the latest news in regard to exhibits, concerts, cultural and sporting events, and food and wine fairs taking place in the area.

We welcome your comments regarding your experience with us via the social networks or our blog because we firmly believe that they can help us improve our services.

Turislucca is also happy to recommend the best tourist guides for all other areas in Italy.