Certosa di Calci


Nestled among olive groves, in an unspoiled corner of the hills of Pisa, stands the very suggestive Monastery (Charterhouse) of the Carthusian monks of Calci.

It was built in the 14th century by followers of the order of Saint Bruno and later became one of the wealthiest and most important monasteries in Tuscany. The interior was completely renovated and decorated with works by well-known 18th-century artists. Its Baroque frescoes are still among the most significant in Tuscany.

Today, the Certosa is a National Museum (entrance fee is required).

The tour includes a visit to the church of the Certosa with its Baroque frescoes, the Cloister, a cell, the refectory, the ancient pharmacy, and the Grand Duke’s suite with its 18th-century furnishings.

Turislucca also recommends a visit to the 12th-century Romanesque Church of Santi Giovanni e Ermolao