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Top 5 guided tours for groups in Lucca and Tuscany

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We want to make a top of the charts list, too! Here are the five tours that are the most popular with our groups: three classic tours, one appetizing, and one, surprising. City of Lucca First spot goes to the City of Lucca tour. Could this tour be so popular because we’re based in Lucca? Or maybe because Lucca is beautiful, a bike ride on the Walls, unique, an aperitif in Piazza Anfiteatro, a must, wandering through the city streets, an unforgettable experience?! If you’ve never come to Lucca, you want to, if you’ve already been here, you want to return. The city is never exactly the same, there’s always something new to see; a corner you’ve never noticed, a church or a museum you’ve never visited, an alley you’ve never entered, a new shop or new generation restaurant...