
View from Torre delle Ore

Torre delle Ore – Tower of the Hours: The Hours of Lucca

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You could pass right beside it and not even notice. Torre delle Ore, Lucca’s clock tower, is tucked away in a corner of Via Fillungo, amid other tall medieval buildings. In the 13th century, the tower belonged to the Diversi family and then subsequently passed to other important families of Lucca. The change of hands was not always peaceable hence the nickname the “tower of dispute”. It wasn’t simply one of the many palazzo towers of medieval Lucca. It was one of the tallest of the city and its prime location on Via Fillungo made it symbolically unparalleled. For this reason, the General Council of Lucca arranged to rent it and place a good-sized clock on it to mark the hours. In 1490, the Council finally purchased the tower and commissioned the most prestigious jeweler and goldsmith, Labruccio Cerlotti...

Florence - Ponte Vecchio

Florence on the Arno River by Ponte Vecchio

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In this photo, there are three different elements, the Uffizi, Ponte Vecchio, and the Florence Rowing Club, that have something in common: secret passages that connect them. Underneath the Uffizi, where the Rowing Club is now located, there is an extensive network of corridors and rooms that connect or used to connect to the palazzo above. The princes could reach Palazzo Pitti from the Uffizi along the elevated passageway, known as the Vasari corridor, built above the bridge. This permitted them not only to avoid being seen but also to not have to walk among the loud and bad-smelling crowds of common folk gathered at the fish market located on the bridge. Famous and highly visible places but….not easily accessible.